Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cold War defence to face new threat( Japan drop)

Japan unveiled a sweeping update of its national defence polices on Friday, prescribing a more flexible posture and refocusing its capabilities as it confronts China's military buildup and North Korea's nuclear ambitions.
The National Defence Programme Guideline approved by Prime Minister Naoto Kan's cabinet stopped short of easing a ban on arms exports -- a move opposed by a small pacifist party whose help Kan wants to pass bills in a divided parliament. But it left the door open to international joint development in the future.
Under the programme, Japan will allocate 23.49 trillion yen ($280 billion) for defence spending for the five years from next April, down 3 percent from a five-year spending cap to March 2010 due to constraints of a public debt twice the size of GDP.
The plan will bolster Japan's defence posture to its southwest, where it shares a maritime border with China, by boosting the number of combat aircraft on the southern island of Okinawa and stationing troops on smaller islands.
The policy update is the first major revision in six years and the first under Prime Minister Naoto Kan's Democratic Party, which swept to power last year for the first time.
Japan's military, which is bigger than Britain's, has for years been pushing the limits of a post-World War Two pacifist constitution. But any signs Tokyo is further flexing its military muscle could upset Asian neighbours including China, where bitter memories of Japan's wartime aggression run deep.
Reflecting anxiety about its giant neighbour, the report pointed to China's rising military spending, rapid modernisation of its armed forces and growing maritime activities.
"These movements, coupled with the lack of transparency in its military and security matters, have become a matter of concern for the region and the international community," it said.
The document also dubbed North Korea's nuclear and missile programmes "a present and grave destabilising factor to the security of our country and the region".
Sino-Japanese relations deteriorated sharply after September, when Japan detained a Chinese skipper whose trawler collided with Japanese patrol boats near a chain of disputed islands in the East China Sea, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China.
The defence guideline also urged efforts to build better two-way ties while encouraging Beijing to act as a responsible member of international society.
In a bid to boost overall Japanese defence capability despite budget constraints, the plan will shift resources from the army to the air force and navy.
Japan's defence capability has traditionally been focused on the north in the form of a large fleet of tanks, a legacy of the Cold War era, when they were deployed to respond to potential threats from the former Soviet Union.
Under the new guideline, which covers the next 10 years, the number of tanks will be cut by a third to 400 and the official head count of the army will be cut by 1,000 to 154,000, although the actual headcount is already lower than the official figure.
In contrast, Japan plans to raise the number of submarines to 22 from 16 by commissioning new vessels and keeping existing ones operational longer, while boosting the number of warships fitted with the Aegis ballistic missile defence system to six from four.
A study will be conducted to address the issue of a decades-old ban on weapons exports. "It is becoming a mainstream among developed countries to boost the capability of defence equipment and cut costs by taking part in international joint development and production," the guideline said.
"We will consider measures to respond to this major trend."
The self-imposed prohibition is an almost blanket ban on arms exports and on the development and production of weapons with countries other than the United States, making it difficult for defence contractors such as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries <7011.T> to reduce costs and keep up with cutting-edge arms technologies.
Besides the strategic shift in military resources, Japan also aims to boost its defence capability through closer ties with key security ally Washington while seeking to fortify cooperation with regional partners such as South Korea, Australia, India and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
"The Japan-U.S. alliance will remain indispensable to secure the peace and safety of our country," it said.
The document added, though, that it was necessary to reduce the burden on communities hosting U.S. forces, whose residents often associate the bases with accidents, crime and pollution.
U.S.-Japan ties frayed after the Democrats took office last year and then-prime minister Yukio Hatoyama sought to keep a pledge to move a U.S. Marines airbase off Okinawa, host to about half of the nearly 50,000 U.S. forces in Japan.
Japan and the United States agreed in May to stick to a 2006 deal to move the base to a less populous area on the island, but the plan is facing stiff opposition from local residents.


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